Saturday, October 27, 2012

DROPBOX Tutorial

Dropbox is all the rage right now and I can honestly say that it is a fantastic app/program. I have been using it myself, not for clients, for several months on projects I am working on and the ease of transfer is phenomenal!

Like anything else it takes a bit of getting used to but once you do it a few times it is SUPER fast and you will see 1000 applications, including getting digitals to clients!

So NOW you have Dropbox either using it online, on your mobile (YES, you can have access to them even on your iPhone or Android), or installed on your computer.

SCREEN ONE will look like this when you open it

Above the Blue Bar you will see 4 Icons  First is UPLOAD

Second is + New Folder

Third is Share Folder

FOR The Sake of The Gold Hope Documents, let's look at the Photographers one


Notice ABOVE the blue bar the same 5 icons appear!!!!

The Bar itself has 3 words  Name Kind and Modified

When it populates you see all the documents we have at this point for you to access and use. 
There is one major thing to remember before we proceed. 
Whatever you do outside of downloading to this Shared Folder, it happens to the folder itself. That means if you delete the Postcard back, it is gone for everyone! So just remember for the sake of these Shared items you only need to do the next step and that is download. 

CLICK once on the item you want to download until it is blue

NOTICE when you highlighted the item you wanted, the Blue Bar now has the words
The name of the item highlighted, Share link, Download, Delete (EEP), Rename, Move, More
Please only click Download from here! 

NOW if you want to learn a bit more about Dropbox continue reading, if not, THANK YOU for taking a moment to read how to access this wonderful information!

OK so You want to share a Folder, Create a Folder, and Upload to your Created Folder!

Let's Create a Folder

Click on + New Folder, second icon above the blue bar

You will see that it Automatically opens a white box to name your Folder

I named mine My Stuff

Let's add some items in our folder so double click over the folder you want to add information to.

This is empty so we need to add some stuff

Click on the First button above the Blue Bar that has a blue arrow pointing up UPLOAD

This new box above opens and you locate files the way that you normally would on an upload.


So you have these folders and now you need to share one with someone!!  

Over here to this side see Sharing and a rainbow? CLICK IT

NOW YOURS above will be blank, but because I share Folders with you all you can see mine.

What do you do if you don't have any to share yet? See that BLUE box upper right hand and it has a little smiley in it. New Shared Folder - CLICK that and then this pops up!

You have 2 options here one is the top and it is I'd like to create and share a new folder
Under is a white box to name your folder

I named mine, I want to share this folder - Click Next

Here you type in the email address of the person you want to share it with, OR if you had already shared with people, your preferred list of names will pop up by name and by email address.

Then Click Share Folder - 

NOW because you created a new Folder there is NO information in it. You will have to go back into the Dropbox folder and add information as we showed previously.

OPTION Two - I'd like to share an existing folder. Click Next

Here you have all your folders as an option for sharing. 

Click it once to highlight it and Click Next.

And here we are adding the address of the person we would like to share with!

NOW REMEMBER anything you put in a shared folder is able to be seen, removed, and downloaded with the person/people you share it with! 


NOW you want to share one image and not an entire folder... 

SO go to one of your items in a folder and highlight it.

You have 4 options here for sharing
Or Copy Link 

First let's type in the Email Address of the one you want to share the image with

Second - Let's Copy Link to this Page 
this automatically performs (Control C on a PC or Command C on a Mac) to your clipboard.

All you have to do is go to the area you want to paste the link to someone, I will choose Facebook

OH LOOK! It's our Founder Morgan!! HEY MORGAN!

Just hit Control V on a PC or Command and V on a MAC

As you can see the link is in the Text box to Morgan and I can see the image I am trying to send as a preview

Let's go back and see Facebook and Twitter as options to share

WELL that about wraps it up for now.... We will be happy to help you in any way that we can and we hope that this TUT helps you feel more comfortable with DropBox


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