Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Gold Hope Project

Sometimes in this world there are things that happen to you, that you witness that stain your soul. Not only am I a Photographer, I am an RN. One day I walked into a patients room and on the wall were about 15 snapshots from various trips, backyard cookouts, and one Studio image from what looked to be Cruise ship. As I looked over the images I saw a very happy man and woman and it brought a smile to my heart, but a tear to my soul because the woman in the image was my patient. Her husband came in and saw me looking at the pictures and he shared something with me, he said that he had tons of friends who were their age, over 40, who had worked all their lives, scrimped, saved for their retirement for the "One Day" trips. He and his wife had decided that when they had the extra money they were going to take trips, they were going to enjoy time together doing the things they enjoyed. He shared each image with me and what they were doing, some amazing memories they had. Then he turned to me knowing his wife would never be able to do those things again, he said, "Alisha, I don't regret, I can honestly say that there isn't a moment I regret with that woman, we have lived." All our friends, if something like this happened to them they would have nothing but banks with money, working nonstop, no vacations, no time together, no stolen moments, and they will have regrets. It stained my soul...... 

My best friend Andrea was diagnosed and has had to go through Radiation, round after round (nearly a year and a half non-stop) of Chemotherapy. At one point the Oncologist told her to just give up, get her house in order and say her goodbyes....this ABSOLUTELY stained my soul.... She did find a new Oncologist and has since went on to more Chemotherapy and treatments but she has not given up, neither have I.

Introduce a group of Photographers to me on Facebook, F Stop Frenzy, the brain child of Morgan Kervin and Rachel Brenke. In that I met them and also someone who again would stain my soul, Cynthia Dawson. Cynthia's oldest daughter, Ava,  was diagnosed and has recently been profoundly effected by DIPG, Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glimoa (DIPG). This is the rarest but most deadly brain tumor in children. I can't in my mother's heart wrap my mind or soul around sitting and hearing that about one of my children. As an RN I have listened at the bedside as Drs. deliver devastating news, I have comforted the patients and families after the news, but one of my own children, no. My heart and soul aches for Cynthia, for all families facing these devastating diseases.

Morgan came across one day, as she has had her own soul staining moment, and said that she was starting a Project, The Gold Hope Project, Photographers using their gift to reach out to children and families effected by childhood Cancers. This spoke to my soul and I immediately wanted to be part of this in any aspect I could. 

We are gifting GOLD HOPE SESSIONS to families/children effected by childhood Cancers, we are Photographers from all over the world reaching out to those who are Amazing Fighters and families. I feel incredibly blessed to be part of this amazing group of Photographers and seeing Morgan's dream come alive. An amazing woman, and amazing Project!

If you or a family you know is effected by Childhood Cancer, send them to The Gold Hope Project Facebook or Website and have them Sign up so we can get tangible memories into their hands and make them feel as special as they make those around them feel!

Until we Click Again,